Toby Matthews
Creative Designer
5 reasons to choose illustration over photography
Illustrations offer an appealing alternative to using photography and generic stock photography in particular. Authenticity and individuality are current buzzwords in graphic design and using illustrations is a good way to achieve both.

1. unlimited artistic licence
With photography, it’s not always possible to get exactly the image you’re looking for. Perhaps it’s the wrong time of year, or you just can’t get the aspect you want. With an illustration, there are no such restrictions. In some circumstances, a photograph is neither available nor appropriate. This was the case with the illustrations Catherine Clover asked us to prepare for inclusion in her debut novel.

2. uniqueness
By its nature, an illustration is a one-off. Even if you are reproducing an image of a well-known landmark, for example, your illustration will be unique and will stand out from all those photos which will inevitably be very similar to one another. This was the rationale for using drawings to illustrate a timeline for a leaflet for The Queen’s College's 675th Anniversary.

3. more personality
An illustration is an opportunity to introduce personality and set yourself apart from the rest. These lovely drawings captured the personality of a client’s beloved pets to be included on wedding invitations.

4. flexibility
There’s only so much manipulating you can do with a flat photographic image. With an illustration, you’re in control of creating an image that looks exactly how you want it to.
5. they’re cool!
Used creatively, an illustration is a great way to attract attention and differentiate yourself. For travel brochures and websites, illustrating properties and landmarks adds a different dimension, and using illustrated maps on invitations and menus can look great too.
Check out our illustrations gallery page to see more.
Whether you need an illustration to help you to communicate a message more effectively or to take a design project to another level, we can help. Give us a call on 01865 242098 or contact us using the button below.