oxford's independent publishing community reconvenes at oxib
Oxford has an international reputation for publishing and has been home to many celebrated authors – JR Tolkein, Lewis Caroll, Philip Pulman, and Colin Dexter, to name a few. It's also a hotbed for lesser-known independent authors, who are not tied to agents and major book publishers.
Over the years, Holywell Press has helped many local writers and small publishers convert manuscripts of memoirs, poems, stories, photography, and art into stunning hardback and paperback books. We're very familiar with publishing best practices and the potential pitfalls that can derail the book-printing dreams of inexperienced authors. Diana Beckett was one such self-publishing author who came to Holywell after her first attempt to print her book failed to deliver the result she wanted.
The Oxford Indie Book Fair celebrates the independent sector of authors, publishers, agents, printers, poets, illustrators, designers, and writers’ groups. It provides a platform for them to showcase their work and is free for anyone to attend.

This year the Oxford Indie Book Fair is happening twice. The first event took place alongside the Oxford Literary Festival in April. The latest is being held on Sunday 26th November at the University of Oxford's Examination Schools. The event will feature around 70 exhibitors and a programme of talks and sessions.
event marketing and programme printing
Holywell Press is, once again, delighted to be a major sponsor of OXIB and will be producing promotional materials, signage, and programmes for the event, as well as exhibiting there.
Oxford Indie Book Fair organiser, James Harrison, is delighted about Holywell's support for the book fair. “It’s great to have Holywell Press on board. They will add an important dimension to our book fair offering: without printers, we would not be reading with this most marvellous and durable product in our hands.”

James adds, “We’re very grateful for Holywell’s support in the printing of our event material and we hope to see a great turn-out on the day.”
You can find more information about the Oxford Indie Book Fair by visiting oxfordindiebookfair.co.uk and we look forward to seeing you there! Can't make it? Get started on your self-publishing journey or discover more about how we can guide your book printing, by calling 01865 242098 or contacting us using the button below.